Tramway work on Sepänkatu headed for completion and the renovated street is opened to traffic
The Tramway Alliance’s track and street construction on Sepänkatu have progressed according to plans, and the street was reopened for traffic again on Friday, 22 July.
The street structure on Sepänkatu has been completely renovated and, going forward, car traffic will have one lane in each direction alongside the tramway. After the opening, the eastern side of Sepänkatu will remain a construction site where street and tram stop construction work will be carried out. For the duration of the work, a combined pedestrian and bicycle lane has been arranged on the western side of Sepänkatu. The aim is to open the pedestrian and bicycle route on the eastern side of Sepänkatu later this autumn, which means that, until then, pedestrian traffic and bicycles will be directed via diversionary routes. When cycling between Santalahti and the city centre, cyclists are recommended to use the bicycle lane on the northern side of Paasikivenkatu.
In August, the installations of the tramway’s overhead contact lines will begin, some of which will be fastened to the walls of buildings on Pirkankatu and Sepänkatu.
Some bus traffic has returned to Sepänkatu as of 8 August 2022. Bus numbers 9, 19, 72 and 82 stop at Sepänkatu where so-called on-street stops have been built in both directions. This means that other car traffic on Sepänkatu must wait for bus passengers to board or exit the bus. On-street stops will be used on Sepänkatu until tram traffic to Lentävänniemi begins. The estimated possible starting time of the traffic is at the turn of the year 2024–2025. Tampere Regional Transport Nysse provides more specific information on changes in public transport.